Whitestrand Environmental Policy
Here at Whitestrand B&B we have developed an environmental policy to ensure all activities carried out at our premises are as sustainable as possible. We want to ensure guests that we support the local enconomy by sourcing local food and getting supplies locally.
Its surrounding lands are preserved for the wildlife and animals around- chickens, frogs, sheep and bee hives but especially its birds- one bird for instance that we are proud of is the rare bird the ‘Corncrake’. Corncrakes were once found in every parish in Ireland, but, since the early 1900s, numbers began to decline to near extinction due to the modernization of farming practices. They started to disappear from the southeast first and gradually retreated northwards and westwards, the land around this property is preserved for these birds to help repopulate its species. This place is perfect if you want to get in touch with nature! (Crega cottage hosts this specialty as well)
The following Environmental Criteria have been developed.
- Conserving Energy: Solar panel installed – which heats the water and also using Energy Saving Bulbs
- Water – reducing pressure so less water is being used.
- Reducing Waste – through recycling – all bottles, cans, plastic, cardboard, newspapers and also having a compost bin.
- Monitoring & Reducing our use of non-ecological detergents and replacing them with ecological detergents and replacing them with ecological products – by using Ecover products.
By providing our guests with information on the local landscape, bio-diversity & nature conservation in our area.
We aim to:
- Reduce, Reuse & Recycle waste wherever practical
- Prevent & Minimise pollution
- Use all resources efficiently
- Increase our use or recycled materials & materials from renewable sources
- Pass on the benefits of improved environmental practice to our family & guests.
I would like to ask you the guests to help improve our policy by:
- Using the bins provided to separate waste.
- Staying on the trails as much as possible when out walking.
- Please respect the natural environment during your stay at Malin Head.
I hope you’ll enjoy your stay at Whitestrand B&B and I’m looking forward to seeing you in the future.

Pictured at the launch of Fáilte Ireland’s ‘New Vision in Action’ B&B development DVD and presentation of certificates at Farmleigh, were (l. to r.): John and Martha O’Neill, Mala Rua B&B; Tracey Coughlan, Fáilte Ireland; Michael Ring T.D. Minister of State for Tourism and Sport; Mary Houghton, Whitestrand B&B with Anne Campbell, Ardeen House.